The addiction

Meet max... He's a 79 year old man, he lives for feeding his cats and playing Counter-Strike, he really was just waiting until the day he died.. He wasn't depressed or anything, it was just..Time. Max had severe O.C.D that haunted him through the many nights he slept through, some were violent, some were "annoying", it stopped him from doing anything really..  He has a neice who he loves and would do anything for.. But even she couldn't stop his gross addiction.. Let me explain, Max had severely bad addictions to video games... Ordinary gamers play 5 hours a day, Max plays, 20 hours a day. (Also hes my dad) It started when he played just a little World of Warcraft, around 2 hours a day..No problem there. But then it went to 4 hours a day, which is a drastic change when it comes to edlers. But than it became around 7-8 hours a day,  eventually neglecting more important things.. I should have intervened then and there, but I let this "slip" just once..  But eventually, he started to neglect his animals.. And social events that he usually loves, he even started to piss his pants just so he didn't have to move away from the screen. By this time I had given up on him, there isn't much you can do when dealing with an adult who takes care of himself.. But he was even starting to miss work, and even resorted to violence when a problem (Such as the internet going down ETC) came up. Last week I accidentally unplugged the router he was using, he went bat shit crazy, punching his screen, cutting himself.. I didn't know what to do. Psychiactric help was needed, but getting him to not try to kill the psychiatrist and to stay still was more difficult than it sounds. Cutting him off just pisses him off even more, he tried to kill me last week when I unplugged his computer for his own good.. He attempted to stab me with the sharp end of a toothbrush when I was helping him brush his teeth.. I eventually got sick of his shit and adopted his cats (poor things were neglected for days, and the litter box was so full you could smell it outside!), I gave him the middle finger for choosing Counter-Strike over family and animals..  Some could say I left him to rot... You know, because I didn't talk to him after that for 5 years. I felt bad, but at the same time I felt what I did could be justified..  He actually came into my mind while I was cleaning "his (even though I adopted them)"  pets cat box. I looked for him in my contacts, "He couldn't still have the same..Number could he?". I pressed DIAL and it sounded a familiar ring, it was connecting.. My ecstatic joy turned to disapointment as his old voice mail played in my ears. I decided I would drive to his old place, I really didn't even doubt the idea that he could still be living there. Pulling up to his old drive-way showed an almost broken down Chevy.. It looked similar to his old car, but something didn't feel right. His house was covered in mold and algae, topped off with the putred smell of kitty litter. His door was locked, since this neighborhood appeared to be abandoned, I broke the handle off with a monkey-wrench and walked inside.  The floor boards were sunk in, and the scent of a dead corpse was high. I walked over to the front room, where my dad used to play. I discovered something I really didn't want to see... Counter-Strike: Source was etched into the screen... My dads chair was turned around in a manner you would see in a horror movie..  As I turned it around, a charred and lifeless body emerged from the chair... He was dead.. But something wasn't right about this body.. It was, small.. My dad was a 6'6 but this body..Was a skinny 4'5... This wasn't my dad.  A noise was heard upstairs.. I trembled in fear as I fast walked to the garage for the monkey-wrench. It had never taken me so long to walk up a flight of stairs in my life.. As I was 90% up the stairs, another loud noise had played, it was so loud my ears were bleeding.. It sounded as if somebody were screaming. I ran up the rest of the stairs and kicked that 1 lonesome door open, I fell to the floor as my knee cap was bleeding from that pressure, I could feel it moving to unnatural places... I look up.. I really wish I didn't. It was..Dad, he was alive! he was..Smiling at me, it looked, creepy... Thats when I punched him as hard as I could, "WHO IS THAT PERSON DOWN STAIRS" I yell at the top of my lungs in frustration. "Oh just some buisness I had taken care of...".  I was on the verge on tears. "DAD YOU'RE 85, I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO KILL YOU", "But you see, that was the landlord, think of it as a family buisness, I see something those "OP" and young characters do in those video games and I act out on it. Its a great buisness, everyone in the neighborhood is in on it.". It took a while of thinking before I saw it, 7 dead bodies of all types of age, piled up on one another.  "You fucking monster".  "Now now, no need for that kind of language"  I picked up that monkey-wrench and lopped it at his eye as I made a run for my car. "Where ya goin son? you know its rude to walk away when people are talking to you". I than felt a large object, decimate part of my skull, it was a.. Bowling ball. I fell to the ground, my head had been cracked in to, I felt Okay, until this red volume started to drip from the injury.  By this time I had hardly noticed Max standing next to my almost lifeless body, smiling like nothing happened. "Why did you harm these people?" "Well, reality isn't real, video games are, its another universe there... And all those lifeless corpses up there... All tried to stop me from playing..They thought it would be FUNNY to shut off my reality, so I killed them, in the ways my favorite video game characters would... And you know what game I have been playing? Mortal Kombat".  He dragged my limp body into the garage, half way there, I notice a lonesome pipe, sitting in his open closet, I silently grabbed this in the 1 second I had. "Here is my workstat-" He saw my car sitting in his drive-way.  "Nice car!" I took this time to hit him as hard as I could with the pipe in the arm. He screamed in pain as I than kicked his eye. I took this chance to finish him off with a swift hit across the head with the pipe. He was lying motionless as a swift pool of blood trickled from his bloodshot eyes. I almost fainted as I attempted to call for help, but it came as a shock when my phone read "NO SIGNAL". I than closed my eyes, and waited to die. After what seemed like hours, I was in some room, it looked like an E.R room, in fact thats what it was. "What happened" I turned to the side to see my brother holding my hand in hopes that I would wake up. "I went looking for you after the family presumed you missing, we found you in some abandoned neighborhood sitting in you're own pool of blood, you have 12 fractures in you're skull, we were all very worried about you, we found you're car next to you're body, what were you doing there?" I didn't feel like giving answers to questions I didn't know..  "I understand..Get some rest". I turned to the side to feel something in my pocket, it was a piece of paper.--------------------------------------------------------------Dear son,  I had alot of fun playing that game with you! It ended in some injuries but it was worth it!Can't wait to play the next game I have beenplanning, its called--------------------------------------------------------------- The piece of paper was blank after that, that is until I turned it over..I had never been so scared in my life, it read: "Kill the son :)"